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  • #379605 Antworten

    Stainless steel coil applications
    Stainless steel coils are widely used in chemical, machinery, electronics, electric power, textiles, rubber, food, medical equipment, aviation, aerospace, communications, petroleum and other industrial fields.
    Industrial stainless steel coils: heat exchangers, boilers, petroleum, chemicals, fertilizers, chemical fibers, pharmaceuticals, nuclear power, etc.
    Stainless steel coils for fluids: beverages, beer, milk, water supply systems, medical equipment, etc.
    Stainless steel coils for mechanical structures: printing and dyeing, printing, textile machinery, medical equipment, kitchen equipment, automobile and ship accessories, construction and decoration, etc.
    Bright stainless steel coil: welded with stainless steel strips, then reduce the wall, reducing the wall thickness from thick to thin. This process can make the wall thickness uniform and smooth, and the reduced-wall stretched tube wall forms a weld-free effect. According to the naked eye, it is a seamless pipe, but its process is determined to be a welded pipe.
    The process of wall reduction is accompanied by bright annealing, so that the inner and outer walls will not form an oxide layer, and the inner and outer walls are bright and beautiful, which is really needed for medical products. The next process requires sizing, that is, the process of large and small drawing, to determine the outer diameter, the outer diameter tolerance can generally reach plus or minus 0.01mm.
    For more details of stainless steel coil please inquire us!

    #379620 Antworten
    #379645 Antworten

    finned aluminum tubing
    L/LL/KL Finned Tube applications
    Application: Mainly used in air coolers in petrochemical, electric power, paper making, tobacco, building heating and other industries, air heaters and air heaters in spray drying systems such as vegetable protein and starch in the food industry. Blast furnace and converter systems, power generation: condensate exhaust gas discharged from steam turbines, condensate contact cycle cooling condensation, fossil and nuclear power plants, air conditioners (Freon, ammonia, propane), waste incineration equipment, compressor coolers, etc.
    We customized finned tube according to customer indivisual requirement, for more details about L/LL/KL finned tube please inquire us!

    #379683 Antworten

    U bend tube applications
    In various bends, various bends are inevitably used, such as marine pipelines, automobile oil pipes and other pipelines. Compared with other types of elbows, the arc elbow has many advantages. First, all kinds of materials flow smoothly at the arc elbow, and the impact force on the pipe wall is small and uniform; secondly, the arc elbow itself has less stress concentration. Strong and high impact resistance;
    With the rise of modern steel furniture, office chairs, beach chairs, luggage carts, shopping carts, children’s trolleys, cribs, computer tables, etc., several metal tubes form several bright lines, which are practical, convenient, safe and reliable ;
    Air conditioning refrigeration pipes mainly include elbows, small U-shaped pipes, return elbows, etc.;
    The bathroom industry now has more and more bends, faucets, towel racks and S-shaped accessories.
    Motorcycles, automobiles, electric vehicles, bicycles and other vehicles, handlebars, bumpers, frames, etc.;
    Fitness equipment, lighting, construction machinery and other industries.

    #379712 Antworten

    aluminum fin tube
    Copper finned tubes manufacturing process
    Pipe line——compressing or rolling——strip peeling——washing——pressure test——blast blowing——packaging. The cold machining process of fins provides excellent mechanical resistance , fins are strong and have strong resistance to atmospheric corrosion, etc. The pressure required to extrude the fin from the aluminum sleeve creates an excellent “pressure bond” between the two materials. In addition, the aluminum finned material completely surrounds the metal of the tube, so there is no risk of electrical corrosion at the fin root (between the tube and the fin). All of these advantages ensure the most stable performance over time of all other fin types.
    Copper finned tube applications
    Copper finned tubes products are widely used in petrochemical, power plant and power plant renovation, air conditioning and refrigeration, boilers, finned tube economizers and air preheaters.

    #379743 Antworten

    air handler coils
    How does condenser coil works
    While the evaporator coil picks up heat from indoor air, the condenser coil releases heat into outdoor air. The load of heat energy extracted from your home and compressed in hot refrigerant vapor is rapidly released when refrigerant circulates into the coil and condenses to liquid.

    What’s the Difference Between A/C Condenser coil and Evaporator Coils?
    Extracting indoor heat from the air and adding it to refrigerant is the function of the evaporator coil. Installed inside the indoor air handler, the evaporator is continuously exposed to the flow of warm air drawn by the system blower from individual rooms in the house through return ducts.

    Refrigerant circulating through copper tubes in the coil is a cold vapor around 40 degrees. In this state, the heat-absorbent properties of the refrigerant are maximized. Heat energy from the warm house airflow transfers through the chilled copper coil tubing and is readily absorbed by the refrigerant flow. With its heat energy extracted by the coil, the cooled airflow is pushed by the blower into the supply ducts and dispersed throughout the house.

    At the same time heat is being extracted, the warm air contacting frigid evaporator coil surfaces triggers condensation, which lowers the humidity level in the airflow, “conditioning” the air just as Willis Carrier designed over a century ago. After leaving the evaporator coil, refrigerant flows through an insulated conduit to the outdoor A/C component that’s usually directly behind the house.

    This cabinet contains both the compressor and the condenser coil. Refrigerant entering the compressor is pressurized, concentrating the molecules of heat energy and raising the temperature of the refrigerant vapor to over 100 degrees. This superheated state ensures efficient transfer of the heat energy into outdoor air, even when the outdoor temperature is high, such as on a hot summer day.

    The condenser coil is of similar design to the indoor evaporator coil. However, the difference between A/C evaporator and condenser coil is exactly reversed. While the evaporator coil picks up heat from indoor air, the condenser coil releases heat into outdoor air. The load of heat energy extracted from your home and compressed in hot refrigerant vapor is rapidly released when refrigerant circulates into the coil and condenses to liquid.
    As the refrigerant releases its heat load, a fan incorporated in the unit blows air through the condenser coil passages and heat is dispersed into outdoor air. High-pressure liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser coil makes a u-turn and flows back to the evaporator coil. An expansion valve before the evaporator restricts the flow of refrigerant, forcing it through a narrow orifice and converting it back to a vaporized state, ready to absorb more heat energy from your home.

    #379776 Antworten

    Water heating coil description
    Water heating coils are a type of heat exchanger often called hydronic coils that use hot water from a boiler to heat or remove moisture from the air. The air moves through the fins of the coil which is hot from water flowing through the tubes. This is a type of heat exchanger mostly used in commercial and industrial air handler units, roof top units as well as ductwork installations downstream.

    In parts of the country and world, you may be more familiar with radiant heat or baseboard heat. Those particular units do not have air moving through them but simply radiates the air near the units. Hot water coils on the other hand are used in forced air systems and booster coils or reheat coils are used in ductwork downstream to reheat the air that has cooled off.

    Water heating coil manufacturing process
    Fins——Expansion——Casing——Brazing or welding——Testing——Crating

    The cold machining process of fins provides excellent mechanical resistance , fins are strong and have strong resistance to atmospheric corrosion, etc. The pressure required to extrude the fin from the aluminum sleeve creates an excellent “pressure bond” between the two materials.

    In addition, the aluminum finned material completely surrounds the metal of the tube, so there is no risk of electrical corrosion at the fin root (between the tube and the fin). All of these advantages ensure the most stable performance over time of all other fin types.

    Water heating coil maintainance
    The heated liquid does not contain substances that should not corrode the components. During use, the scale or carbon on the pipe surface should be removed frequently, otherwise it will affect the efficiency and life of the components.

    The working voltage of the heating element shall not exceed 1.1 times of its rated value, the ambient humidity shall not exceed 95%, and the shell shall be effectively grounded.

    The electric heating element of the water heating pipe should be stored in a dry place. If the insulation resistance to the ground is lower than 1M? due to long-term storage, it can be dried in an oven at about 200? for several hours to recover.

    When tightening the main thread of the water heating pipe, do not use excessive force on the terminal.

    Water heating coil applications
    Booster heat, reheat, waste heat reclamation, pre-heat, fluid process heat and more.

    #379849 Antworten

    정말 지긋지긋하게도 코로나가 계속해서 변이에 변이를 하고 그 사태가 길어짐에 따라 갈수록 경제도 악화되고 소상공인은 물론, 여러 직종에 종사하시는 분들 역시 그 피해가 점점 커지고 있습니다.
    그로 인하여 여러가지 신용대출, 담보대출, 무담보대출, 무직자대출은 물론이고
    다양한 카드론이나 캐피탈등을 이용한 대출 역시나 많아지고 있습니다.
    하지만 문제는 여러 대출을 알아보더라도 대출 조건이 안되서 부당하게 높은 이자로
    불법 대출을 이용하거나 여러 인증되지 않은 캐피탈등을 통해 자금을 구하시는 분들도 많습니다.
    하지만 그러한 불법 대출도 있겠지만 요즘들어 새로이 자금을 마련할 수 있는 방법인 ‚폰테크’를 이용하시는 분들이 많아 지셨는데요 이 ‚폰테크’라는 것에 대해서 알아보겠습니다.

    우선적으로 어떠한 일을 진행함에 있어서 제일 중요한건 당연히 ‚업체’입니다.
    어떠한 업체를 이용하느냐에 따라 그 일의 결과가 달라지기 때문이죠
    폰테크 역시 어떤 업체를 이용하느냐에 따라서 그 결과가 달라집니다.

    그래서 다른 여러 곳들을 비교해 보고 찾은 가장 핫한 업체인 ‚다이렉트 폰테크’라는 곳을 소개해
    제일 중요한 ‚매입가’와 ‚안정성’의 조화가 잘 맞아 떨어지면서 가성비가 가장 좋은 업체이기 때문에
    선택을 했습니다.

    요즘 코로나로 인한 규제가 예전 보다는 많이 풀렸지만 그래도 아직 안심하기엔 상황이 좋지 않아
    대면이나 방문하기를 꺼려하시는 분들을 위해 비대면을 통한 방식으로도 진행이 가능하며,
    직접 매장에 방문하여 진행도 가능하고, 출장매입 또한 가능한 업체입니다.
    무엇보다 제일 중요한건 다이렉트 폰테크는 당연히

    정식 사업자등록 업체
    사전승낙서 발급 업체
    직접 매장을 운영하고 있는 업체
    이 세가지를 모두 충족하는 업체 입니다.

    만일 이 세가지가 모두 충족되지 않은 업체에서 진행을 할 경우 여러가지 불상사가 발생합니다.
    더군다나 비대면 같은 경우에는 소중한 고객의 정보를 이용하여 추후 요금폭탄이나 추가개통으로 인해
    사기를 입는 분들도 많고 심지어 개통 후 돈을 못받는 경우도 있으니 조심하셔야 합니다.

    다이렉트 폰테크를 이용하시는 분들의 이점은

    타 업체와 비교, 안정성 비례 가장 높은 매입가에 판매가 가능합니다.
    365일 연중무휴 24시간 심지어 주말에도 문의가 가능 하다는 점입니다.
    안전하고 빠른 조회와 진행을 통해 당일입금까지 가능합니다.
    다년간의 노하우로 폰테크진행 사후에 문제가 생기지 않습니다.
    전국 어디든 출장이 가능합니다.

    이 밖에도 여러 장점들이 있지만 가장 중요한 것들만 체크를 했습니다.

    다이렉트 폰테크 에서는 기타 사기방지를 위한 상담이나
    본 업체를 이용하여 진행하지 않아도 친절하게 설명을 해 주시니 폰테크를
    잘 모르시는 분들은 한번쯤 문의를 해보시는 것을 추천드립니다.
    사실 여러 업체와 광고도 많아 어느 업체를 믿어야 할지 모르는 분들에겐
    이것보다 더 좋은 것은 없을 것 같네요.

    폰테크를 진행함에 있어서 주의해야 할 점도 물론 있습니다.

    보장되지 않는 높기만한 매입가 경계하기

    많은 분들이 높은 매입가만 보고 찾은 업체는 대부분 이런저런 명목으로 매입가에서 차감을 하는데요
    보통 출장비를 받거나 출장비가 없다고 하고선 매입가에서 차감 후 지급하거나
    수수료나 다른 명목들 역시 동일한 방식으로 결국은 매입가에서 차감을 하는 경우가 대부분이라
    높은 매입가만 보고 진행을 하게되면 결국 피해가 발생할 수밖에 없습니다.

    유심은 꼭 챙기기

    폰테크 진행 이후에 유심칩은 어떠한 이유로든 본인이 반드시 챙겨야 합니다.
    그렇지 않을 경우엔 소액결제로 인한 요금폭탄 소위 유심깡의 악용 우려가 있기 때문에
    유심칩은 반드시 본인이 챙겨야 합니다.

    매입금은 바로 받기

    개통한 기기를 넘김과 동시에 그 자리에서 매입가를 입금받으셔야 합니다.
    내일 입금이 된다거나 기타 이런저런 이유로 입금을 미루는건 99.9% 사기입니다.
    처음보는 사람이 편의점에서 물건을 가져가면서 내일 돈을 주겠다고 하는 것과 마찬가지죠
    절대로 기기를 넘김과 동시에 입금을 받으셔야 합니다.
    그렇지 않은 경우엔 기기만 넘기고 돈은 입금받지 못하는 상황이 발생합니다.

    기타 다른 주의사항들 역시 많지만 가장 중요한 점들만 말씀 드렸습니다.
    나머지 자세한 사항은 다이렉트 폰테크에 문의하시면 쉽고 상세한 설명을 들으실 수 있습니다.

    #380724 Antworten


    #381143 Antworten
    #381580 Antworten
    #382038 Antworten

    gạch ốp lát
    gạch ốp lát, thiết bị vệ sinh, cửa hàng nội thất
    Text: Nội thất Tiến Khôi chuyên kinh doanh các mặt hàng gạch ốp lát, thiết bị vệ sinh, các loại mái ngói, thiết bị điện năng lượng Địa chỉ: 91 Đường Nguyễn Đệ, Phường An Hòa, Quận Ninh Kiều, TP Cần Thơ, SĐT: 0936565654, 0826565654, Website:

    #382050 Antworten

    finned aluminum tubing
    L/LL/KL Finned Tube applications
    Application: Mainly used in air coolers in petrochemical, electric power, paper making, tobacco, building heating and other industries, air heaters and air heaters in spray drying systems such as vegetable protein and starch in the food industry. Blast furnace and converter systems, power generation: condensate exhaust gas discharged from steam turbines, condensate contact cycle cooling condensation, fossil and nuclear power plants, air conditioners (Freon, ammonia, propane), waste incineration equipment, compressor coolers, etc.

    #382083 Antworten

    Water heating coil description
    Water heating coils are a type of heat exchanger often called hydronic coils that use hot water from a boiler to heat or remove moisture from the air. The air moves through the fins of the coil which is hot from water flowing through the tubes. This is a type of heat exchanger mostly used in commercial and industrial air handler units, roof top units as well as ductwork installations downstream.

    #382208 Antworten


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Antwort zu: lkjhgfder
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