
Come across Attitude joiny

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  • Dieses Thema hat 2,154 Antworten und 1 Stimme, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 1 Woche, 5 Tage von Timothylip.
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  • #135320 Antworten

    I dont think my mother or brother heard us fucking, because I bit my lower lip to keep from screaming out with pleasure. Oh god, I loved how Daddys big cock felt inside me as it rubbed against my pussy repeatedly. He held me tight, as my first climax surged through me. We dared not stay that way only for too long, as any minute; we could get caught when mom came to the door to tell us supper was ready. I turned, batted by emerald-green eyes and whispered, Thanks Dad, youre awesome.His eyes sparkled with love, and he said, You lil minx, I do not know what we would of done if mom…

    #135341 Antworten

    Hi tHis is raju and tHis is tHe story ofmy mom How sHe got fucked Hard by my friends mom name is velamma sHe is a extreme Hot women sHe is 38 yrs old yet sHe is Hot sHe is a typical soutHindian lady Having size of 36-38-44 and Her boobs are big melons of size 36g and are Huge in size round and Her waist is Hot witH some curves and Her ass are Huge and it jiggles wHen sHe walks and sHe is very wHitisH in colour and Her lips are so sexy and pink in colour sHe Had very long Hair wHicH makes Her so sexy all tHe men over our area are fans of my mom tHey are all dying to fuck Her body many…

    #135343 Antworten

    Добрый день дамы и господа
    Обустройство скважины
    Обустройство скважины – это комплекс земельных и монтажных работ, необходимых для качественного и комфортного пользования чистой водой из только что пробуренной скважины. В результате него долгожданная вода из скважины, наконец, поступает в дом. Процесс требует точных расчетов и тщательной подготовки, которую выполняют специалисты высокой квалификации, дополненной многолетним опытом в этой сфере. При обустройстве скважины компания ” БурТехСервис” ориентируется прежде всего на нужды своего заказчика, помогая выбрать оптимальный вариант, подходящий и по цели, и по цене.

    Подробнее о том, как обустроить скважину:
    Оголовок для обустройства скважины летом
    Обустройство скважины с помощью адаптера
    Обустройство скважины кессоном из бетонных колец
    Обустройство скважины пластиковым кессоном
    Стоимость обустройства скважины
    Летнее обустройство скважины
    Герметичное устройство защищает скважину от попадания внутрь атмосферных осадков и различного мусора. Имеет крепеж-замок для защиты от краж. Служит точкой опоры для крепления водоподающего оборудования. Выполняет функцию переходника для трубопровода. В дальнейшем вы дополнительно обустроить вашу скважину и поставить кессон.
    Вода на участке (полив)
    Обрудование в скважине
    Ручное управление
    В теплый период времени
    Удобно для одного дома
    Экономичное обустройство скважины
    Простой и экономичный вид обустройства для защиты скважины в зимнее время года. Обеспечивает вывод труб водопровода через обсадную трубу,ниже уровня промерзания грунта (1,5-2 метра). Вода подается посредством погружного насоса, который при необходимости легко извлекается из конструкции.
    Оборудование в доме
    Полная автоматизация процесса
    Для использования в любое время года
    Удобно для одного дома
    Кессон из бетонных колец
    Надежность и долговечность
    Конструкция такого кессона прочная и долговечная. Обустроив скважину таким образом, вы защитите ее от промерзания. Экономит пространство внутри дома. Потребуется дополнительная гидроизоляция.
    Вода в доме и на участке (полив)
    Оборудование в кессоне или в доме
    Полная автоматизация процесса
    В любое время года
    Удобно для одного/нескольких домов
    Пластиковый кессон
    Надежность и долговечность
    Литой пластиковый корпус обеспечивает абсолютную герметичность скважине. Не подвержен коррозии. Не требует теплоизоляции. Дополнительное обслуживание не требуется. Небольшой вес кессона упрощает монтаж и экономит деньги при обустройстве скважины.
    Вода в доме и на участке (полив)
    Оборудование в кессоне или в доме
    Полная автоматизация процесса
    В любое время года
    Удобно для одного/нескольких домов
    Основные этапы обустройства скважины
    На этом этапе мы с вами уже определившись со способом обустройства скважины, а именно – подобрали соответствующее оборудование (кессон, адаптер либо оголовок). А также приготовили необходимые материалы и инструменты. При выборе способа обустройства скважины специалисты руководствуются следующими данными: глубиной и диаметром скважины, учли расход воды в разных точках участка, протяженность водопроводных труб (длиной трубопровода). Несомненно, правильная подготовка помогает предупредить возникновение возможных проблем в будущем, а также избежать дорогостоящего ремонта.

    Прибытие на место монтажа. Оборудование, а также материалы и необходимые инструменты доставляются на Ваш участок.
    Начинаем с земляных работ. Нами подготавливается котлован при обустройстве кессоном, либо копается приямок для обустройства с адаптером. Траншея выкапывается по необходимости. Глубина при копке должна быть ниже уровня промерзания (1,5-2 метра).
    Далее обрезаем обсадную трубу на нужной высоте при монтаже кессона. При монтаже адаптера труба не обрезается.
    После этого устанавливаем кессон, либо делаем врезку в трубу скважинного адаптера.
    Устанавливаем также в скважину погружной насос.
    Специалисты «БурТехСервис» руководствуясь данными из паспорта скважины, подбирают насос. Необходимо учесть следующие данные:
    Глубину скважины
    Уровни воды в статике и динамике
    Дебит (производительность скважины)
    Горизонтальный перепад (уклон) высот скважины
    Расстояние от самой высокой точки забора воды до уровня земли.
    Продолжаем монтаж. В кессон опускается и устанавливается оголовок, гидроаккумулятор, система автоматики с реле давления. На участке устанавливают летний поливочный кран.
    Для прокладки трубопровода к дому ранее уже выкопана траншея. В дом подводят две магистрали: одна водоподающая, вторая – для подводки электрического кабеля от насоса. При необходимости устанавливаем греющий кабель.
    После всех работ выполняем подключение оборудования к электричеству. Обязательно проводится проверка работы систем автоматики.
    Обустройство скважины завершено!

    #135360 Antworten

    Part 2 Morning SurpriseJane had been serving in my house for a week. She had been doing great jobs in nursing my son, Reece. I appreciated her passion and her dedication towards this job. However, there was always something from her, like her shadow, had been disturbing my mind. Ever since she came here, my mind had been spinning and echoing about things that I could never ever imagine. She was a sweet girl, no doubt of that. I spent more time with her than my wife due to the different shifts committed by us. As time went by and we got closer, Jane seemed to lose her innocence look….—Part-2-Morning-Surprise-06-13

    #135370 Antworten

    I went down the hall to the elevator and pressed the button, humming to himself as I waited. I had little to fear, after all. At six feet six, my tanned body rippling with muscles, my shaved head gleaming, few indeed were the men willing to challenge my right to do as I pleased. The elevator door opened and I stepped in, auto- matically noticing it was already occupied by a beautiful young woman. It was only as the doors were closing again that I noticed just how gorgeous she really was. Chris turned to look up at the elevator lights, carefully avoiding looking at me.I didnt care. I…

    #135380 Antworten

    I awoke to the sound of my wife rustling around; I opened my eyes to find her packing her clothes.Ahh, Richard, your awake, help me pack please Ive got to be on the train for 9.I climbed out of bed, still in my boxers and helped Claire pack.When everything was packed I picked up her suit case and headed for the door.Wait a minute cowboy, wheres my kiss she said, holding my cowboy hat she bought me a couple of months back. I placed the cases on the floor and put my arms around her waist.KISS….I will….(KISS)… you….(KISS)…when I get there…..(KISS)……you cant….(KISS)….wreck the…

    #135390 Antworten

    My boyfriend of a year Russel and I were laying on his couch. Just outside, dry, yellow hills stretched out as we were pretty far out West from the city. I didnt see him too often because after catching a train out to the nearest station, hed have to drive out to pick me up. He was a shameless alcoholic so Id have to make sure I woke up early to get there in time before he had had too many.Russel had a slim build. Just recently he had decided to shave off his shoulder length blonde hair. Surprisingly, the new look suited him but now his sunken in eyes were more prominent. Needless to say…

    #135403 Antworten

    My Live-in Maid – Indian widows new life abroad.- 9A Child widow Live in Maid goes abroad – She getsTransformedYou read in part 8Her hand went up to her ample bosom, feeling her heart ripped into pieces as tears flowing down her cheeks and wet the pillow along with the sheet and blankets. Anu cried and cried, curled into a ball on her bed as loneliness swept through her entire being. Gently and slowly I sit on her bed and pull her into my arms again, offering her solace and companionship in her hour of need. A flash of devilish smile curled up the corner of my mouth, The ties…—Indian-widows-new-life-abroad-09-06-13

    #135418 Antworten

    Muutterfuucckkeer…Thhhhhhhhaaaat hhhhhhuuurrrrrtttttttttttsss, I screamed as best as I could with Ghosts long thin fuck stick trying to enter my stomach thru my mouth. Tears were running freely down my cheeks as I choked and gagged on Ghosts 10 plus inches of uncut meat as he shoved in in and out of my throat, grabbing two fist fulls of hair on the back of my head and forceing my face into his groin. I had no idea who was forceing thier cock into my un-lubricated asshole, I just knew it fucking hurt. I love anal, but god damn guys, lube me up first!! I grabbed ahold of Ghosts nuts and…

    #135431 Antworten

    Amanda did as she said she would and went to the shower…She shaved her armpits, and continued down the front of her body…she kept looking at me with lust and anticipation while she, apparently, shaved her pussy…I was blown away, and couldnt even mow a straight line if I tried….so I got fed up and went inside….On my way by to the bathroom she was in, I stopped by the kitchen to get a beer…As I approached the bathroom door, I could hear Amanda moaning…I knocked, even though I was apprehensive, and Amanda said to give her a minute…Great, now I had to wait for the girl of…

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    #135438 Antworten

    Joey Wasnt Just a Nice Guy….by Larry MaloneIn the old neighborhood, years ago, the word gay was never used. and disparagingly, they werecalled queer or fags and werent accepted at all. So, in those days, they didnt exist …except for Joey.Joey wasnt gay, he was just… a friendly nice guy.Not the sharpest tool in the shed and he barely got out of the eight grade in education but everyone liked him. Joey was the kind of guy who always had a smile for every body and would do anything for you to belong, to please you, or to make you happy, including as it turned out, giving…

    #135465 Antworten

    Carolyn Engel sat in the outer office of Dr. Matthews office paging through the latest weekly news magazine without really paying much attention to it, as her mind was on much more important things. Lifting her head out of the magazine, she glanced around the waiting room, trying to imagine what each of the people sitting there were seeing the doctor about. She made a quick observation that none of the other women in the room had her particular problem!!! There was one woman who had a nose that looked like a ski slope, while another looked like she had three chins instead of the usual one!!!…

    #135480 Antworten

    I admit I was curious. How did it feel? Was it better? Would I be hooked after I did it? I wasnt thinking about drugs or alcohol. I was thinking about sex with another woman.I have had my share of encounters with men. Some of them were wonderful, others were best forgotten. But never in my live had I tried it with another woman. I had talked about it with past male lovers. I had not had the interest to try and ruin a good thing by bringing another woman to bed for them. but this was for me, and I was unsure of what to do. So I decided to go to a local lesbian bar and see if I could get…

    #135497 Antworten

    Chicago, Chicago, That Toddlin TownChapter 1Here I was, 33, single, and just recently transferred to Chicago. I was sent here to get this upstart IT company on its feet. We recently acquired it and they need me to make sure it got up and running, our way, and to make a profit. And now 3 years later, Im loving my life.Im Blake, and as I said, I am 33, single, 6, 190 lbs, with short blond hair. I generally work out at least 3 times a week, so I am in good shape. Ive been told I am good looking, and judging from the fact that I can land a date pretty easily, I guess that is…

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